19th century French copper kettle - 8 liter
Sale priceUS$795
Regular priceUS$983
Petit 19th-century French copper pot w/ handles & lid
Sale priceUS$595
Regular priceUS$716
19th-century French brass cauldron w/ rolled edge & wrought iron handle
Sale priceUS$445
Regular priceUS$530
Petit 19th-century French brass cauldron w/ rolled edge & wrought iron handle
Sale priceUS$445
Regular priceUS$530
19th-century French brass kitchen cauldron w/ rolled edge
Sale priceUS$450
Regular priceUS$537
Very large 19th-century French brass cauldron
Sale priceUS$650
19th-century French copper kettle - 4 liter
Sale priceUS$595
Regular priceUS$748
19th-century French copper kettle w/ stepped lid
Sale priceUS$595
Regular priceUS$692
Petit 19th-century French copper kettle - 2 liter
Sale priceUS$595
Regular priceUS$692
19th-century French copper & wrought iron kitchen fire bucket holder 37½"
Sale priceUS$2,200
Regular priceUS$2,570
Small 19th-century French copper kettle
Sale priceUS$595
Regular priceUS$692
Round 19th-century French copper kettle
Sale priceUS$595
Regular priceUS$750
Antique French wooden Rolling pin
Sale priceUS$199
Antique French oven dish w/ brown glaze 17" x 10¼"
Sale priceUS$292
Antique French tureen w/ yellow ocher glaze 8¾"
Sale priceUS$393
19th-century French tureen w/ yellow glaze 12¼"
Sale priceUS$493
Round 19th-century French tureen w/ yellow glaze 8¾"
Sale priceUS$493
Large yellow glazed terracotta tian bowl 13¾"
Sale priceUS$463
Octagonal Émile Tessier soup tureen & platter w/ sculptural flowers
Sale priceUS$1,341
Émile Tessier octagonal soup tureen & platter
Sale priceUS$1,346
Large oval tureen from Dieulefit w/ green glaze 18"
Sale priceUS$1,473
Large oval tureen Dieulefit - yellow w/ brown - 17¾"
Sale priceUS$1,376
Large antique yellow-glazed tureen from Dieulefit 15¼"
Sale priceUS$1,360
Pair of vintage French baker's dough proving baskets 15¼"
Sale priceUS$689
Small rectangular cutting w/ handle 14¼" x 9½"
Sale priceUS$346
Large chunky rectangular cutting w/ handle 17¼" x 12½"
Sale priceUS$394
Large rectangular cutting w/ handle - 17¾" x 13"
Sale priceUS$394
Small lidded casserole w/ Jaspé glaze - slipware 5½"
Sale priceUS$250
Regular priceUS$273
Sieve bowl w/ ocher glaze 8¾"
Sale priceUS$190
Regular priceUS$198
Late 19th century butchers hooks
Sale priceUS$244
19th Century French Copper Saucepan with Lid 5"
Sale priceUS$351
Vintage Aluminum Colander 8¾"
Sale priceUS$187
2 vintage Weighty round copper pans
Sale priceUS$1,060
Antique lidded terrine from Vallauris w/ red ocher glaze 10¾"
Sale priceUS$253
Large antique copper lechefrite w/ perpendicular handle 23¾"
Sale priceUS$1,311
Collection of pizza making tools
Sale priceUS$771
2 wooden boards - one platter one cutting
Sale priceUS$234
Pair of cutting boards w/ edge to catch onto counter top 17¾" x 13¾"
Sale priceUS$762
Very large wooden cutting board 23¾" x 15"
Sale priceUS$436
Cutting board tray - rounded corners 15¾" x 9¾"
Sale priceUS$356
Antique cutting board w/ handle - rectangular 23¼" x 13½"
Sale priceUS$436
Pair of large red ceramics - Gérard Hofmann (1917-1965) - 20½"
Sale priceUS$2,487
Antique cake Mold from Alsace in the shape of a bunch of grapes 11¾"
Sale priceUS$393
Antique cake Mold from Alsace - two nursery rhyme characters 9¾"
Sale priceUS$393
Ochre-glazed French "poêlon" or skillet from Vallauris
Sale priceUS$180
Regular priceUS$189